Lesson evaluation

It is extremely important for us to evaluate our work as it can ‘contribute to an artist’s own professional development and can be an important part of developing skills as a reflective practitioner.’ (Amans 2008, 173) You can collect evidence to help the evaluation process in any way you wish, whether it is interviews, questionnaires and recordings. We decided to have a feedback discussion at the end of the session. The most common positive feedback we received was the activities we created was age appropriate and they believed that the children would be engaged throughout. We were also told our language and tone of voice used was suitable. The main criticism is that the length of the session was quite short and they were waiting for more. As a group we have learnt that planning lessons can prove to be difficult, although we had the correct content for the age group we did not have enough to fill out our half an hour slot. If we were to present this lesson again we would add other activities to lengthen the session. As well as this we would run through the lesson as a group to have a better idea of the duration of each activity.

Works Cited

Amans, D. (2008) An introduction to community dance practice, New York: Palgrave Macmillian.

Lesson plans

Subject- Feeling connected with themselves and others.

Overall Objectives- Introducing each other, using memory through games, warming up bodies, using movement to reflect moods, using imagination through activities.



Subject Matter Objectives Logistics Time Comments
1 Playing a name game with a ball. Make sure the students learn and remembers everyone’s name, as well as using their coordination to catch a ball. Students sitting in a circle when going through names. Students standing in a circle when catching the ball. 10 min. Must provide a ball.
2 Using the bean activity as a warm-up. Helping the students use their imagination though movement in response to instruction. Students standing in a self-elected space facing the front. 10 min.  
3 Movement reflecting the way students feel. Letting the students express their emotions through the use of movement. Students standing in a circle. 5 min.  
4 Playing the game fruit salad to connect the individuals in the group. Bring the group together through the interaction given when positions are changed. Giving students the opportunity gain confidence in speaking in front of other when choosing a fruit. Getting used to the idea of levels. Students sitting in a tight circle and one students standing in the middle. 5 min.  
5 Going through a story about a storm using sound effects made by the students. Reversing the story to aid as a cool-down Letting the student interact with a story using their voice and body to make sounds. Help them understand the volumes of sound and different ways to make sound. Students sitting in a semi-circle. 5 min.  

mind map 1


Methodology of practice

My sessions will be weekly based sessions, starting at about half 3 when school finishes. Every week we shall explore set exercises in connection with the set discipline we shall be working on that week, whether that is singing, dancing or acting. At the start of the first term I shall lead introduction sessions so everyone can start with the same knowledge together. I shall be in touch with the teacher at the school to see if I can bring in any of the curriculum into my sessions to add a practical, fun element to their school experience.

Complaint Procedure


If you as a parent/ guardian has a concern, you should make an appointment with myself where can discuss your concerns. It is hoped that in this meeting your concerns will be resolved. If you feel you would like to complain to my employers you can arrange an appointment with them. If however you feel unsatisfied with the resolution then you are advised to proceed in making a formal complaint.


I advise you to produce your concern into writing and send it to the council I work for. Yet again if you feel unsatisfied with the possible resolution please refer to the list of high authority persons you may wish to contact.

Children’s Commissioner

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Sanctuary Buildings

20 Great Smith Street


SW19 3BT

Tel: 02077838330

Email: infro.request@childrenscommissioner.gsi.gov.uk

Manger of Children Services of Stevenage and North Herts Tel: 01438 843373


Equal opportunities

My sessions are based around the idea of being inclusive and that anyone can join no matter their ability, sex and race. There shall be access for any disabled person hoping to join our sessions. We will be using the school hall on the ground floor of the building, so there will be ramps available at the entrance of the hall and entrance to the building for easy access. If needed parents/guardians and child minders are allowed to sit in the sessions.

Data protection

Under the Data Protection Act 1988 my employers and I control the personal data we receive and how they are proceed. We must ensure that:

  • .Lawfully processed personal data will always state the intentions of processing the data and who we intent to show/give the personal data too. We will also be clear on the duration of the data being kept.
  • We will not use data for any other purpose than the agreed purpose made by parents/guardians. If the data is requested by any external organisation we shall only pass it on if agreed by parents/guardians.
  •  Every year we shall provide our members with a copy of their data to return to us with possible amendments. These amendments will be made immediately and data no longer necessary will be deleted.



Consent Form for Taking Images


To: Child’s parent/ guardian

Re: Name of child


During some sessions and performances we may take photos of the children participating in the sessions. This will be for the use of our group, yourselves and to advertise the company.

As well as this we may invite professional photographers and film makers to publicise the work we’ve created and to record special events we may participate in. I shall notify you of these occasions and will ask for specific permission.

If we do wish to publicise any of the media taken, we shall ask for permission for that specific media and will shall state how long we wish to use it.

To comply with the Data Protection Act 1988, we therefore need your permission to take photographs or videos of your child.

Please complete as appropriate.

  • I do/ do not give consent that my child is able to have their photograph taken in connection with Once Upon A Time…Theatre Group.
  • I do/ do not give consent that my child is able be recorded in connection with Once Upon A Time…Theatre Group.
  • I agree/ do not agree that any photograph may be displayed to the public.
  • I understand I will be given the chance to give additional consent about specific media being used for publicising the company.
  • I understand I can withdraw my consent at any time.


Name (parent/guardian) …………………………………………………………

Signed (parent/guardian) ………………………………………………………




I will firstly approach my work with set rules and aims that everyone is able to understand. By doing this it can allow the children and I to complete the achievements we intent to reach. As well as this I shall organise my sessions accordingly, to aid with us achieving what we want to accomplish by the end of the end of the session, term and year. I will also approach my work with an open mind so I can influence, and be influenced by the children I teach. I therefore hope by doing this it shall allow the children to explore theatre without many boundaries as well express themselves with confidence. This ethos is created with the influence of practice created by Freire, he believed it was essential that people link knowledge to action so that they actively work to change the community and society they belong to.


When starting the ‘Once Upon A Time Theatre Group’ I aim to at least attract the children whose school I will be based in. As the company progresses and great interest occurs, I hope to widen my participant group to children in the whole Hitchin area and may even be able to branch out into surrounding areas. My aim is to give every child the opportunity to explore their imaginations and to be able to express themselves through the use of theatre. Every week we will explore all three disciplines; singing, dancing and acting to help generate the content of the end of term performance. These end of term performances will let the children showcase their confidence and talent.


  • Build positive relationships between the children and myself.
  • Help the children gain confidence within themselves.
  • Teach and help them exceed in the three disciplines.
  • Let them feel comfortable in expressing themselves.
  • Give them the opportunity to explore their imaginations.

How will we achieve it?

  • I shall deliver activities within the sessions (especially the first couple of sessions) to help everyone learn about each other as individuals, as well as aid with the creation of relationships within the group.
  • I will create activities to ease everyone into what we will investigate and will support and encourage everyone in their own development.
  • Each week I shall concentrate on a specific discipline. As the term progresses we shall explore further into the disciplines to help everyone feel comfortable within them.
  • By the activities set to help build relationships and confidence, I hope to have created a positive and supportive atmosphere that everyone can feel comfortable in expressing themselves.
  • In some activities I shall let the children input their own ideas to give them the chance to discover their own imaginations.

My main influence in deciding to create a theatre company for early years came from experience with two specific theatre groups; Stagecoach and Market Theatre Kids Club. I believe that through Stagecoach’s sessions they allowed me as a child to explore theatre and gave me the freedom to grow in confidence. I completely agree with their aims, especially in creating ‘classes for young children enhance learning, encourage development and inspire creativity especially within performance art.’ (Stagecoach, 2014) I want to be able to see and support the development of the children as individuals and as a group. Another company that inspired my choice to work with children is the Market Theatre Kids Club. The main influence was the atmosphere created that made everyone feel comfortable to be able to express themselves. I hope to give the same atmosphere to the children I teach so they do not feel uncomfortable to be themselves.

Works Cited

Stagecoach (2014) Stagecoach. [online] Available from http://www.stagecoach.co.uk/early-stages.html [Accessed 12 November 2014]